Why Islam has many rules | Amina | note

Such as women's situation in harsh country to the precepts of Saudi ...

Why Islam has many rules | Amina | note Such as women's situation in harsh country to the precepts of Saudi Arabia Islamic [Go out with no attendant by driving or next of kin by women is prohibited] Saudi Arabia to the state religion of Islam Wahhabi is, women's human rights (if from Western specific values) Among the Islamic countries have been said to be the lowest level. Because I do not have ready knowledge about Islam, please forgive me to become a thing considerably inaccurate roughly the following description. Wahhabi is large but is a sect of Sunni, has been known as the most rigorous sect also in Islam, in general, pioneer of the reactionary principle purification principle Islamic reform movement known is called Islamic fundamentalism It has been considered to be the exercise. For example, even in learned Pakistan seminary madrassas the Taliban in Afghanistan is for Islam, it is said that was greater influence of the Wahhabi that have been exported from Saudi Arabia. In addition, al-Qaeda and the Arab-Islamic volunteers such as Osama bin Laden also, from the religious soil of the Wahhabi, also said to be born in the form of further radicalization.

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